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Art critique and advice; beginner artists are welcome to post here; includes an oekaki. (NO FLAMES)

Artists, read before posting!

Before you post your art to ask for critique, please read these tutorials. They explain the basic principles of drawing and figure drawing. Most posts where these basics are missing will never get a response, as people are quite frankly sick and bored of explaining over and over that you would have to pretty much learn how to draw first, before you could improve.

Courtesy of Arne Niklas Jansson: Basic and comprehensive drawing and painting tutorial
Courtesy of Bakaneko: Figure Drawing Basics, Further Anatomy, Hands

These were brought to my attention by Aeresque#Artist. Courtesy of Scribd: Drawing the Human head, Drawing Dynamic Hands, Dynamic Figure Drawing
And for those of you who want it a bit easier, we also have the whole thing as one neat rar with all three books in pdf form.

NEW! These were brought to my attention by MajorTom in #fchan. Courtesy of Andrew Loomis: Creative Illustration, Drawing the Head and Hands, Eye Of The Painter, Figure drawing for all it's worth, Fun with a Pencil, Successful Drawing, Drawing Dynamic Hands.

If you think you know a good basic tutorial that would fit in here, feel free to contact me under Xenofur in IRC and I will add the link.

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[-] [+] No.1103
The angles... OH GOD THE ANGLES 
File: LeBlargh.jpg -(159385 B, 1200x1697)
159385 No.1103 1103
Source: CHAOS DIMENSION bwroop

Well f*ck me gently with a chainsaw if trying out spicy new angles has worked out well for me, can't seem to nail it down. My main gripe is with the blasted angle, ah know the lineart is straight out of a crocodiles arse and that gun would most likely fire suction cups instead of real bullets, but eh. It's a glorified sketch, whatcanyado. Any tips would be greatly appreciated!
Oh, also are there any other places where you could get some critique on your "art" on the intrawebs? Or do the sites rules forbid mentioning other sites here? ( °-°)

File: eyeandleg.png -(76451 B, 600x849)
76451 No.1104 - Link Reply Report 1104

People with glasses still have eyes. You should draw them.
Also, legs should be shorter.
Don't know what else to say.
Nice. That's one thing to say.

Also, go on FA and post asking in the title for crit. Ask people directly if needed, going to someone you think could help and send them a note asking politely if they could take some time to look and crit.