

Info about furries

at 6 May 2008: 20:49

This is pretty basic, I'd just like to know on what terms somebody would consider themselves furry.
 I definitly find human-type furries attractive,.. best example is Krystal.
So how does it work? Any info is fine.

at 6 May 2008: 21:00

>>1 Liking anthropomorphic characters makes you a furry, IMO. Some people take it further (some people might take it "too far" from time to time), but there you go.

at 6 May 2008: 21:25


I second 2 =3

at 6 May 2008: 21:28

Oh god, not this discussion again. This is going to turn into a shitstorm quickly.

>>2 I like anthropomorphic art, but I don't consider myself a furry.

"Furry" is a label that you can choose to apply to yourself. The boundary between furry and not furry is a subjective opinion, and shouldn't be applied to others. There's no one definition or way that it works, anyone who tells you otherwise is blowing it out their ass.

Sen at 7 May 2008: 04:19

You beat me to it. Usually this is my spiel :P

at 7 May 2008: 05:38

I'm a furry simply because I like this kind of art, that's it.

at 7 May 2008: 06:04

A furry is a special breed. First of, you need to be VERY drama sensitive. Second, you MUST want to reap animals ALL THE TIME. whenever you see a dog or other animal, you MUST want to have sex with it.

The only exceptions are artists, who are allowed to be furry without raping animals. But the first rule still applies.

Also, being queer really helps

at 7 May 2008: 08:16

Well put!

at 7 May 2008: 11:17

>>4 Ah, but I didn't say "anthropomorphic art." Furry has nothing to do with art, though many furries also enjoy the art.

>>7 Are you saying that you're a furry and you're describing yourself?

FurryFox at 7 May 2008: 13:11

OMG...i was wondering y that Huski walkin down the street got me goin...i MUST be a furry...hahaha

at 7 May 2008: 14:25


Actually, Furry was ALL about the art -- and stories -- before the lifestyle came along.

Nunya at 7 May 2008: 15:07

I try to keep anything sexual away from being furry. There is nothing sexual about the fandom. Alot just have fetishes. Like me.

at 7 May 2008: 15:26

Furry has everything to do with the art! That's what started the fandom and what keeps it going.

at 7 May 2008: 18:28

there's those who enjoy furry art and fap to furry porn. like me.

then, there's those who think they ARE an animal. they make fursuits and scritch. usually gay. complain about fursecution. very creepy.

at 8 May 2008: 06:02

From my understanding, as has been said by a few, Furry is just another name tag that is used to classify and box up groups of people; no hard and fast definition will ever be suitable, because what it is to be a furry is almost as diverse as the number of individuals who'd call themselves such.

Generally speaking, I believe it originates in art and writing; there's jsut something neat about anthropomorphising that certain people are drawn to, and it's fun to play around with it, and even create characters to explore it with.

Most people can't seem to think of furry these dyas without thinking of two very misleading things:  The first is porn.  Furry =/= pornographic or erotic art/literature.  Frequently, sure, but that's not the whole of it, and I don't believe it was the original impetus either.

The second unhelpful thing is the extreme, which while not bad in itself, has been frequently grabbed by the testicles and waved all over the media, to the extent that someone unfamiliar with the culture could be forgiven for thinking that that extreme makes up the entirety.

As for that extreme itself, if you want to view it that way, fursuiters are one part of the subculture, and pursue a lifestyle very heavily involved with this passion/fettish/whatever, often to the extent that it impacts on their actual lives substantially, and often earns them the image of 'that sick wierdo nextdoor'.  Their lifestyle, their choice, nothing wrong with that, and while I think it would be more fitting to describe that group as desiring to actually be said animals, rather than thinking that they really are, if you want to go to such lengths over it, then I guess that's what does it for you.

I make the distinction above about 'wanting to be'/'thinking they are' because there's another unfortunate misconception that happens far too often concerning that media-created negativity of extreme and a different, distinct and independant community, which doesn't come into the furry culture at all (though per individual, I'm sure there's often a lot of overlap, such as myself), and which I won't go into here because then it liekly really will turn into a massive shitestorm, hehe...

For toehr people, it's less about the art nd writing, and more about the "lifestyle".  I mean no disdain with the quotation marks there, it's just that, to be honest, I don't really understand what that means at all.  What is it about a lifestyle that makes it a characteristically furry lifestyle? **shrugs**  You've got me there, I havne't the foggiest.

So, as for what terms someone would consider themselves a furry, that's sort of a question the individual needs to answer, though the question of in what senses the term furry applies to you might be a more useful question to examine.  For myself, I like antropomorphic artwork and roleplaying (textual), adult and clean, I like the community in some places, and find it tiresome in others.  I'm also part of the other community I mentioned above, which for me personally is a spiritual thing, but again, just personally, I don't relate that at all to being a furry.

Now ending rant/lecture, hope you enjoyed.  If not, please throw all rotten vegetables at the target to my left, as I will be leaving the stage now.

at 8 May 2008: 07:05

Wow, I think this is the most sensible post I've ever seen in an Fchan thread. Thank you very much!

at 8 May 2008: 12:16

>>13 Someone had to imagine the characters before he or she could draw them.

When I started with furry some 18 years ago, I didn't have a graphic web browser. I didn't have any ways to download or even look at furry art. I got into the fandom by logging in to FurryMUCK via a raw telnet and using my imagination.

The art is nice, but it isn't the only way to be a furry. (And yes I'm old)

at 8 May 2008: 12:46

Telnet? Jeez, you're more than old.

19Report (sage)
at 8 May 2008: 22:41

Respect your elders sonny...  Unless they're assholes.  :)

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