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Posting mode: Reply
Pictures of the really hardcore stuff and that which squicks the majority of the fandom (guro, non-consentual, rape, scat, violence, vore, watersports, drug use, etc.)
Babyfurs that are not clearly adult, and Cub art, will not be tolerated.

Art that contains toon character and /ah-related themes does in fact belong in /toon. Also note clarification in /toon description and: http://fchan.us/read.php/faq/1238098153/

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[-] [+] No.52606
New Underwater/Drowning 
File: ah_1421394870802.stick-shiply-g_dragged_down_smlr.png -(324743 B, 893x1000)
324743 324743 No.52606 52606 1

Previous one here: http://fchan.us/ah/res/51721.html

Lets get this party started.

File: ah_1421518820877.kathmandu_dusty_uw_027.jpg -(109349 B, 1059x979)
109349 109349 No.52616 - Link Reply Report 52616 2

Requesting that only new UW content be posted. It is a waste to keep posting the same stuff over and over since the threads fill so quickly.

File: 9a9f10b1288f729951b51a5f921f6b71.jpg -(118565 B, 800x500)
118565 118565 No.53003 - Link Reply Report 53003 2
File: ah_1424224679276.ladyheather_felix_and_roo.jpg -(98990 B, 900x860)
98990 98990 No.53004 - Link Reply Report 53004 2
File: ah_1424224732881.ladyheather_megancommission.jpg -(158549 B, 708x1166)
158549 158549 No.53005 - Link Reply Report 53005 2
File: ah_1424224767778.byondrage_horses_ourlastdyingwish.jpg -(127079 B, 1280x914)
127079 127079 No.53006 - Link Reply Report 53006 2
File: outfit_is_very_heavy___by_darkrazor64-d8lw8xe.png -(569521 B, 900x1333)
569521 569521 No.53217 - Link Reply Report 53217 2

There was no reason to create a new thread so soon because of the slowness of this place. I've been making and filling these threads since late 2012.

Previous threads
http://fchan.us/ah/res/31389.html (offline)

File: com___full_moon_over_the_wreck_by_shoxxe-d89vtrh.jpg -(1927903 B, 3361x2173)
1927903 1927903 No.53218 - Link Reply Report 53218 2
File: ah_1426736890975.ladyheather_leshana.jpg -(104273 B, 1200x659)
104273 104273 No.53219 - Link Reply Report 53219 2
File: ah_1427418126379.miyuhogosha_doodle-118c.png -(1176273 B, 989x1280)
1176273 1176273 No.53298 - Link Reply Report 53298 2
No.53303 - Link Reply Report 53303 2

>>53217 If the thread is full then it doesn't bump anymore so you don't know when something new is posted

File: Sasha_Drowns.jpg -(214430 B, 1530x820)
214430 214430 No.53429 - Link Reply Report 53429 2
No.53466 - Link Reply Report 53466 2

>>53429 i really wish that suit exist XD

File: LADYHEATHER-ianmarco*.jpg -(139792 B, 900x866)
139792 139792 No.53513 - Link Reply Report 53513 2
Source: Lady Heather
File: okanedive.jpg -(268673 B, 750x1000)
268673 268673 No.53520 - Link Reply Report 53520 2
Source: http://chefcheiro.tumblr.com/
File: scubadorawithbg.jpg -(460694 B, 905x1280)
460694 460694 No.53535 - Link Reply Report 53535 2
Source: http://fav.me/d7wahwc
File: involuntary_diving_lessons_by_umbravulpes7-d8ptdju.jpg -(3505382 B, 2805x3851)
3505382 3505382 No.53674 - Link Reply Report 53674 2
File: ah_1430430800021.runde_big_18.jpg -(441398 B, 1000x1000)
441398 441398 No.53675 - Link Reply Report 53675 2
File: ah_1430431040624.senshifox_otter_girl_002.jpg -(202746 B, 967x1280)
202746 202746 No.53676 - Link Reply Report 53676 2
File: ah_1430431377269.victor639514_andreia_-_fa_version.jpg -(2573438 B, 2500x1667)
2573438 2573438 No.53677 - Link Reply Report 53677 2
File: ah_1430431567067.-_drowning.jpg -(184060 B, 378x644)
184060 184060 No.53678 - Link Reply Report 53678 2
File: rouge_trapped_by_darkrazor64-d8qnpwvx.jpg -(891629 B, 1000x1500)
891629 891629 No.53680 - Link Reply Report 53680 2
File: ah_1431912695794.kathmandu_ds1.jpg -(220589 B, 1613x907)
220589 220589 No.53831 - Link Reply Report 53831 2

Comic on FA.

File: ah_1432078219966.myemetophobia_synxnoseethrough.png -(964202 B, 1000x939)
964202 964202 No.53837 - Link Reply Report 53837 2
File: UnderwaterDoggystyleLLs.jpg -(344570 B, 879x908)
344570 344570 No.53896 - Link Reply Report 53896 2
Source: Unknown

Anybody know the source on this?

File: FoxOtterPoolLs.jpg -(248702 B, 700x952)
248702 248702 No.53897 - Link Reply Report 53897 2
Source: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/moodyferret/

Yup, that's one of mine. I sign my work "MF". Here's another pic of mine that's relevant to this thread.

File: DS2.jpg -(152680 B, 1613x907)
152680 152680 No.53898 - Link Reply Report 53898 2

Forgot the link in the first post but here is the second page. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/16517838/

File: wolfgirls_bondage_peril_by_uwfan_tomson-d8x53hc.jpg -(1202020 B, 2000x1300)
1202020 1202020 No.53989 - Link Reply Report 53989 2
File: farorenightclawah_anon_-_drowningsm.png -(170668 B, 550x710)
170668 170668 No.54146 - Link Reply Report 54146 2
File: Eventuality_-_by_OhOhFlamethrower.jpg -(447529 B, 960x1280)
447529 447529 No.54376 - Link Reply Report 54376 2
File: turning_tables__warning__breathholding___clean__by_dradragontear-d94u1bm.png -(2175793 B, 1024x1382)
2175793 2175793 No.54569 - Link Reply Report 54569 2


File: LithiumArragua_yoshi.gif -(1502317 B, 800x800)
1502317 1502317 No.54761 - Link Reply Report 54761 2
Source: furaffinity.net/user/byondrage
File: ah_1444141737700.aquilak_aquilak_zombieattack1.jpg -(114302 B, 1067x1280)
114302 114302 No.54958 - Link Reply Report 54958 2
Source: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/17873521/
File: ah_1444141835639.aquilak_aquilak_zombieattack2.jpg -(143348 B, 1280x1116)
143348 143348 No.54959 - Link Reply Report 54959 2
Source: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/17873566/
File: ah_1444141859308.aquilak_aquilak_zombieattack3.jpg -(148037 B, 1121x1280)
148037 148037 No.54960 - Link Reply Report 54960 2
Source: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/17873681/
File: 12691255@400-1391808832.jpg -(24616 B, 379x400)
24616 24616 No.55027 - Link Reply Report 55027 2
File: ah_1445749066017.ifus_justdance.jpg -(594027 B, 1000x1000)
594027 594027 No.55184 - Link Reply Report 55184 2
File: JpYqz_BZGGs.jpg -(311929 B, 1500x850)
311929 311929 No.55222 - Link Reply Report 55222 2
File: Kathmandu1SM.jpg -(1445326 B, 1288x1500)
1445326 1445326 No.55239 - Link Reply Report 55239 2

Story that goes with the picture. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/17868407/

File: vaultofvex_foxbarrel2.jpg -(104426 B, 1037x1280)
104426 104426 No.55311 - Link Reply Report 55311 2
File: p0_master1200.jpg -(738496 B, 900x1200)
738496 738496 No.55574 - Link Reply Report 55574 2
File: ah_1452372646747.malkin_waterperil3.jpg -(141604 B, 1024x1280)
141604 141604 No.55911 - Link Reply Report 55911 2
File: Bubbles_by_ruaidri.jpg -(262058 B, 950x1213)
262058 262058 No.56560 - Link Reply Report 56560 2
File: byondrage.rhexxy_under_ice.jpg -(164511 B, 1280x1162)
164511 164511 No.56956 - Link Reply Report 56956 2
Source: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/19777396/
File: ah_1470789768283.kathmandu_kathmandu3bsm.jpg -(235529 B, 1099x1280)
235529 235529 No.57348 - Link Reply Report 57348 2
File: Savage_Werebunny.jpg -(749498 B, 927x1080)
749498 749498 No.58329 - Link Reply Report 58329 2
File: Executionsized.jpg -(342674 B, 1328x921)
342674 342674 No.59344 - Link Reply Report 59344 2
File: 5e27e8c606bda9661ea00f3dcceb1c22.png -(1067093 B, 1422x1223)
1067093 1067093 No.59374 - Link Reply Report 59374 2
File: bf3acd775b8b7b6e352c2de5c84e390d.png -(4087652 B, 2538x2748)
4087652 4087652 No.59375 - Link Reply Report 59375 2
File: Daemont92_pwyw_feb_23rd_daemont.png -(1108976 B, 3488x2085)
1108976 1108976 No.59628 - Link Reply Report 59628 2
File: jw-tank1.jpg -(79681 B, 634x526)
79681 79681 No.59651 - Link Reply Report 59651 2

Heres an old classic from the vcl days. Can he finish before he needs to go back up for a breath?

File: jw-tank2.jpg -(90306 B, 553x598)
90306 90306 No.59652 - Link Reply Report 59652 2
File: 5753a519b01d613f2aff64f26b30bb75.jpg -(90422 B, 796x1007)
90422 90422 No.59653 - Link Reply Report 59653 2
File: 53639d1b4ecce15326155191d9ae034f.jpg -(203235 B, 583x993)
203235 203235 No.59654 - Link Reply Report 59654 2
File: 8f2dfd248cfbc32a0224ce031efaef08.jpg -(623784 B, 1225x2455)
623784 623784 No.59655 - Link Reply Report 59655 2
File: 46ebf0700e6d3b9d35bcf4a913d3e04e.png -(1814920 B, 990x2000)
1814920 1814920 No.59656 - Link Reply Report 59656 2
File: 41d03099112793f7bf36a15996088390.jpg -(336669 B, 1631x3041)
336669 336669 No.59657 - Link Reply Report 59657 2
File: ah_1506672485695.battytoybox_ebonyrubberwolf-waterhoods.jpg -(162737 B, 1280x1070)
162737 162737 No.59658 - Link Reply Report 59658 2
File: ah_1506672525955.battytoybox_moodyferret-breathplay2.jpg -(128957 B, 800x584)
128957 128957 No.59659 - Link Reply Report 59659 2
File: 4c557ec5909db5bc897b3ebb2697d027.gif -(4552536 B, 1296x964)
4552536 4552536 No.59660 - Link Reply Report 59660 2

next 3 are gifs

File: 98368407b4b705b8763db6b3b15839af.gif -(746010 B, 1296x964)
746010 746010 No.59661 - Link Reply Report 59661 2
File: 7fe523d27f458030d86344c0a2d22e82.gif -(229898 B, 700x550)
229898 229898 No.59662 - Link Reply Report 59662 2
File: Ainoko_6792277.png -(980820 B, 1100x888)
980820 980820 No.59663 - Link Reply Report 59663 2
File: 6b6d83dd8002742275b242d3e06681ea.jpg -(81802 B, 445x600)
81802 81802 No.59664 - Link Reply Report 59664 2
File: 9f1092958e3abd14ed93d4f6ad747a7e.png -(775380 B, 960x1600)
775380 775380 No.59665 - Link Reply Report 59665 2
File: 91ddeabf302e04286ff54ef5572623ed.png -(1791838 B, 1483x2048)
1791838 1791838 No.59666 - Link Reply Report 59666 2
File: 7b0a7d5c6839e9f6662ddb8381d5d2d0.jpg -(761316 B, 1000x765)
761316 761316 No.59667 - Link Reply Report 59667 2
File: 6ac79313acc09db4dde57c48549c9314.png -(1476897 B, 989x1200)
1476897 1476897 No.59668 - Link Reply Report 59668 2
File: bbeaf80f912b3f0047a82d7c5574a92b.png -(688573 B, 1280x989)
688573 688573 No.59669 - Link Reply Report 59669 2
File: ah_1506672980130.thewhitefalcon_spottacus_web.png -(1812730 B, 566x800)
1812730 1812730 No.59670 - Link Reply Report 59670 2
File: b14c6f4d4a9b7f5f4a6701dda4e6a52f.jpg -(2194848 B, 2893x8362)
2194848 2194848 No.59671 - Link Reply Report 59671 2
File: e951b5c2dccf872944d5541a2690f21e.png -(249306 B, 809x1029)
249306 249306 No.59672 - Link Reply Report 59672 2
File: eacf4ea37ea33ddbf69484577952ce35.png -(398671 B, 1200x900)
398671 398671 No.59673 - Link Reply Report 59673 2
File: c7b2a0c7e058d2bdc413d74834202c2c.jpg -(378798 B, 2394x1397)
378798 378798 No.59674 - Link Reply Report 59674 2
File: f367061b837debf792854b4ed9880e86.jpg -(225694 B, 1597x1696)
225694 225694 No.59675 - Link Reply Report 59675 2
File: ah_1506673166803.reactorguardian_janice_and_the_hose_drowning.png -(774098 B, 1500x1250)
774098 774098 No.59676 - Link Reply Report 59676 2
File: ah_1506673200385.byondrage_kjatar_perilousfun2.jpg -(197475 B, 1239x1280)
197475 197475 No.59677 - Link Reply Report 59677 2
File: 9572eac156cea815be5606aaa38ac4e1.png -(3121089 B, 1200x1536)
3121089 3121089 No.59678 - Link Reply Report 59678 2
File: efccd6f068cfff4e9a648305cfb2b328.png -(3011625 B, 1200x1536)
3011625 3011625 No.59679 - Link Reply Report 59679 2
File: 3cf04670384e9036431cd6ed1887efba.jpg -(234260 B, 993x1280)
234260 234260 No.59680 - Link Reply Report 59680 2
File: 19fbd0fbea687d407b60e729abd13c2f.jpg -(324669 B, 995x1280)
324669 324669 No.59681 - Link Reply Report 59681 2
File: 214e0755f1dca35cd9b251b7ed7e4700.jpg -(260985 B, 995x1280)
260985 260985 No.59682 - Link Reply Report 59682 2
File: 293435e4b86a960f9f56142b24aebdff.jpg -(258126 B, 995x1280)
258126 258126 No.59683 - Link Reply Report 59683 2
File: Kino-Jaggernov-Commission-Madhatter-small.jpg -(110301 B, 533x800)
110301 110301 No.59689 - Link Reply Report 59689 2

Description from the commissioner. A tiger diver runs into a native otter girl while diving down to search a ship wreck, rumored to be filled with archaic gold, that hes been hunting down for some time.

"I held my breath, lest the gurgling noises from my regulator frighten the girl. I had not expected anyone else to take an interest in the shipwreck I had first detected topside at a depth of nearly 200 feet, but here in front of me, was one of the native girls of the island, apparently as curious of my find as I was.

I watched, transfixed, as the sea otter swam gracefully around the sunken vessel, pausing to float in place, running a webbed paw over the splintered, ancient wood. She was almost completely naked, topless, her bare breasts slowly undulating with almost liquid movements. Long beautiful black hair billowed and pulled behind her sleek form. Around her waist, a fluttering leather loincloth did nothing to spoil the view of her powerful thigh muscles and tight, trim buttcheeks around a thick tail.

The girl continued to explore almost casually, swimming across the length of the broken ship until she came to the jagged hull and peeked inside. I was fascinated by this creature's abilities. Were it not for the trickle of bubbles that would escape her mouth and nose from time to time, I would swear she was water-borne. But I knew she could not possibly stay underwater indefinitely.

My fascination quickly turned to greed, and the problem I now faced. Should she discover what I knew to be a fortune in archaic gold coins within the Petunia's cargo, there would likely be an investigation. Once word got out that countless creatures would be swimming down, exploring, taking what I had fairly discovered for themselves. That treasure belonged to me - and to me alone.

I took a quick breath from my regulator and held the air in my lungs. I still had an hour's left of oxygen, while this intruder had - well, whatever breath she still held within her. And she had been underwater a very long time already. I clenched my paws. She was nearly two feet shorter than I, and I outweighed her by over a hundred pounds at least. I could easily grab her, let her struggle in my arms until her tired lungs gave out and she drowned. Then I could take her body into the ship and leave it there, wedged within its bowels. It would be unlikely anyone would find her until I was off to enjoy my retirement.

Having come to my conclusion, if not my proper senses, I waited for the lovely girl to get a bit deeper into the hull, before slowly finning towards her. I watched another small burst of bubbles coming from her and realized, with a gleeful smile, how easy she was making my kill. Her buttcheeks continued to wiggle, and I could now clearly see her sex sculpted, swollen, thick, dark mons around lush, short netherfur, almost inviting. Her dark nipples were at full peak, and I realized something else just then. The girl was obviously aroused swimming this way. I rubbed a growing erection through my suit. Perhaps...I could have a little fun on the side..."

File: LeiLani-Sunken-Treasure-Part-Two-small.jpg -(127894 B, 533x800)
127894 127894 No.59690 - Link Reply Report 59690 2

"I watched, filled with enchantment and white-hot lust, as the beautiful diver kicked across the battered hull, poking around the various artifacts that lay strewn along the bottom. She still had not seen me.

She suddenly stopped what she was doing and another burst of bubbles trickled out from her. She glanced above her, as if judging her distance versus the incredible length of time she had been down, and I realized with certainty the otter was about to leave and return to the surface for a gulp of air. It was now or never.

I finned quickly over to her with my large paws outstretched, and when the girl pushed up off the hull, I grabbed one of her ankles and jerked her quickly back down and into my arms. It would be too easy. As I had hoped, she used up even more precious air as she kicked and beat at me. She was quite slick in my grasp and I lost hold of her at one point, but then before she could swim away, I managed to grab her waist, tear off her loincloth, and, now hugging her from behind, slam her against the ship's hull. I was satisfied to hear a grunt in pain, and another hard surge of bubbles came from her open mouth. She wiggled against me, in a mix of pain and surprise, as her bare bottom bounced and rolled across my covered erection.

Without even thinking, I jerked down my swimsuit, letting out a long, thick tiger-sex, and after rubbing the hot tip across her fleshy mound, I buried it into her as deep as it could go. The girl screamed but I hardly heard nor cared at this point. She felt incredible. Warm, silky, like soothing oils, and so tight. One of her webbed feet braced around the back of my leg in a vain effort to push free, but I grabbed one of her arms and twisted it behind her back, putting me in complete control. She was mounted on me as deep as her body would allow now. I could feel her vaginal muscles tighten and flex around my enormous member, possibly never having had sex, or at least never with the large cock of another species.

She fought to hold her breath now and stopped struggling, instead holding still and allow me to thrust in and out of her wildly. Perhaps the girl hoped I would finish mating her and let her go, as her other fellow otters likely did when they had sex in such deep waters. She looked over her shoulder at me with pleading eyes, and let out another cry as my barbs wore down on her insides..."

File: Simba_and_Nala_by_Dr_Moreau.jpg -(273583 B, 840x1074)
273583 273583 No.60306 - Link Reply Report 60306 2

I was looking forever for this one!

File: Simba_and_Nala_by_Dr_Moreau.jpg -(273583 B, 840x1074)
273583 273583 No.60307 - Link Reply Report 60307 2

I was looking forever for this one!

File: ah_1531495656092.byondrage_charonbond_foxandseal_gettingripped.jpg -(213174 B, 1247x1280)
213174 213174 No.60599 - Link Reply Report 60599 2
File: ah_1531495769041.brokensoul_03.jpg -(140037 B, 677x769)
140037 140037 No.60600 - Link Reply Report 60600 2
0 No.60601 - Link Reply Report 60601 2
File: ah_1531495893623.flxlynx_1394854287.vykos_10-0103-flx_lynx.png -(897014 B, 1092x910)
897014 897014 No.60602 - Link Reply Report 60602 2
File: ah_1551031742860.5_18_thizorac_quicksand2.gif -(368801 B, 1200x844)
368801 368801 No.61123 - Link Reply Report 61123 2

Not underwater, but still drowning

No.61567 - Link Reply Report 61567 2


No.61568 - Link Reply Report 61568 2

New Underwater/Drowning

File: ah_1577266773220.leonwingheart_drowning_scaley_girls.jpg -(154021 B, 1071x1280)
154021 154021 No.61904 - Link Reply Report 61904 2