Part 1: The beginning Steps
The client was stripped naked by an assistant. As he waited for the lottery to finish a light flashed assistant said "MAR-984-Alpha--104--Zeta." After a few moments,the machine prepared two needles. As he made the client's arm ready, he explained in a routine way as he found the vein to place the shot "With basic medical information on the dimension it prepares an inoculation shot to the natives' diseases so you don't die stepping out of the portal and also suppresses any diseases you may be carrying so you don't commit a global genocide by breathing " He explained as he placed the other one as well."Because of the medical technology of the dimension vaccination is not yet common, and so you may have one of the most robust immune systems on the planet because of this shot. However, don't forget to take precautions this shot doesn't make you invulnerable .The second shot contains microscopic transmitters that will translate anything you read and hear.It also forces your mouth and tongue into the correct positions so natives can understand what you mean to say. You will sound strange to the various natives for a few weeks, but not moreso than a foreigner. Similarly,your handwriting will look weird as your brain learns competes to write in English and the whatever native language how the shapes and the transmitters will learn to perfect the hand movements. Overtime you will naturally absorb the languages . " The bottom cabinet generated a month's worth of new suits and waistcoats and assortment of ascots and ties perfectly fit to the client in a suitcase and helped changed the client into a petticoat and trousers and of course a fashionable top hat."Along with clothes, you'll find enough gold, silver,and precious gems buy your way into and mingle in highest social circles for life.When the client draws a dimension where humans hold status above furries we like to send them on their way with money so they can enjoy them."
After a couple hours of waiting a green light appeared on the monitor as he read some notes the computer had on the value of certain metals .The portal opened "You're clear. Safe journey.." The assistant said with slight smile waving his hand to the portal.
The young male was ready with his suitcase and walked through the portal.The bright lights of the Embarkation Room was replaced with the dingy colors of a street alley. As he moved about he found himself in an urban full of people working.Ocassionally, he would see a man or woman followed by a skunk.
The city was called Tamorin and it was the heart of commerce of the Empire of Roland. After the better part of the day, he navigated to the fashionable outskirts away from the noise and pollution of the city of an found himself a nice manor sale and bought it immediately.
After settling into his new manor for a couple with a considerable amount of land which was furnished for him as well there was knock on his door. A pair of businessmen he bought the manor from greeted him tipping their top hats to him and he did likewise "Hello,We hope you are finding your new manor agreeable." One said to him"Our agency appreciated your purchase in gold, and had asked us to bring you a small gift as a token of our esteem for your business, sir." Behind the two was a group of six docile skunks. Two of them were in male attire simple white shirts and while the rest were in simple dresses and corsets. "Tamorin breeds some of the most subservient skunks you'll find n the empire. They are very loyal and very discrete. Whatever your tastes are you will have need not worry about one of them divulging them" After a moment of exchange a moment of small talk and asking if manor was still to his liking the two left the six skunks with him.