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Pictures of the really hardcore stuff and that which squicks the majority of the fandom (guro, non-consentual, rape, scat, violence, vore, watersports, drug use, etc.)
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[-] [+] No.61235
Dirty Diapers as Muzzles 
File: CAC70416-E5C8-4B9D-BC9C-1DDA790CD3F7.jpg -(76410 B, 748x800)
76410 76410 No.61235 61235 1
Source: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/29785071/

I’m looking specifically for a picture of a dog who makes a nice mess in his dydee, and then cums because of it - and then his partner asks if he enjoyed messing his diaper, and then said “too bad, at least I’ll enjoy this” and wraps the messy diaper around the doggy’s muzzle and the doggy whimpers and whines...

File: ah_1555823279672.luftpup_diaper_face.jpg -(227449 B, 1280x958)
227449 227449 No.61237 - Link Reply Report 61237 2

Found it, Enjoy.

No.61238 - Link Reply Report 61238 2
Source: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/21564078/

>>61237 Why not put the source there as well?

No.61341 - Link Reply Report 61341 2

This is done by slug and commisioned by luftpup

File: 427ECBE7-73FD-42A1-A2F8-C78A5DA3A523.jpg -(173994 B, 1050x1050)
173994 173994 No.61377 - Link Reply Report 61377 2
Source: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/31506613/