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Pictures of the really hardcore stuff and that which squicks the majority of the fandom (guro, non-consentual, rape, scat, violence, vore, watersports, drug use, etc.)
Babyfurs that are not clearly adult, and Cub art, will not be tolerated.

Art that contains toon character and /ah-related themes does in fact belong in /toon. Also note clarification in /toon description and: http://fchan.us/read.php/faq/1238098153/

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[-] [+] No.62774
WS draw request thread 
File: 90px-Letter_w.svg.png -(1667 B, 90x117)
1667 1667 No.62774 62774 1

Hello drawfriends.

May I request a pic of Mightyena peeing on the floor in his trainer's home like a naughty doggo? That would be amusing and appreciated; thank you!

File: ah_1661340914336.png -(661341 B, 900x960)
661341 661341 No.63175 - Link Reply Report 63175 2

Does anyone actually show up for these?

I'd kind of like to see this cutie unexpectedly lose bladder control and find herself loving it.