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Art critique and advice; beginner artists are welcome to post here; includes an oekaki. (NO FLAMES)

Artists, read before posting!

Before you post your art to ask for critique, please read these tutorials. They explain the basic principles of drawing and figure drawing. Most posts where these basics are missing will never get a response, as people are quite frankly sick and bored of explaining over and over that you would have to pretty much learn how to draw first, before you could improve.

Courtesy of Arne Niklas Jansson: Basic and comprehensive drawing and painting tutorial
Courtesy of Bakaneko: Figure Drawing Basics, Further Anatomy, Hands

These were brought to my attention by Aeresque#Artist. Courtesy of Scribd: Drawing the Human head, Drawing Dynamic Hands, Dynamic Figure Drawing
And for those of you who want it a bit easier, we also have the whole thing as one neat rar with all three books in pdf form.

NEW! These were brought to my attention by MajorTom in #fchan. Courtesy of Andrew Loomis: Creative Illustration, Drawing the Head and Hands, Eye Of The Painter, Figure drawing for all it's worth, Fun with a Pencil, Successful Drawing, Drawing Dynamic Hands.

If you think you know a good basic tutorial that would fit in here, feel free to contact me under Xenofur in IRC and I will add the link.

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[-] [+] No.1308
Critique for this please <=3 
File: lary_skecth.jpg -(736120 B, 1080x1983)
736120 No.1308 1308
No.1310 - Link Reply Report 1310

I'm not the best artist, but here's my advice.

-Don't stick a dong in your thread name. If that was a face, you should probably know it also looks like a dong. Just saying.
-Canine (and feline, and lots of other species) muzzles aren't set up quite the way you've drawn it - that mouth should be a little lower so that it closer resembles the actual animal anatomy. This will also make it easier to draw expressions and keep your muzzles from having hot-dog-stapled-to-a-ball syndrome.
-Eyes are basically two skin flaps wrapped around a ball; if your eyes are square, you're probably doing it wrong. Try actually sketching a circle for the entire eyeball when you're setting up the drawing, then drawing the eyelids on top of that. Also, pupils are an important component of the eye and you should probably draw them.
-The hair looks a little... messy. When you draw hair, try to pay attention to how real hair works. Even in a more cartoony style, hair is important and will be really obvious if you get it wrong.
-Breasts don't start at the clavicle! You are obviously interested enough to draw them, I would suggest finding pictures of real ones and paying attention to where they are placed and how they are shaped. Remember that breasts will sag unless they are supported by a bra or are fake.
-Learning more about muscle structure will help a lot here, especially the neck; the trapezius in particular is a magical muscle that keeps your neck from looking like a flat line with a neck sticking out of it. Knowing more about arm and leg (human and animal legs if you're drawing furries; can't combine them if you don't know both) muscle structure will fix most of your problems in those areas. Just because you aren't drawing huge muscly superhero-type characters doesn't mean muscles aren't important!
-The groin seems to be sagging for some reason? Also the hips seem like they've been drawn at a slightly different angle than the torso or legs.
-Leg structure is mainly a matter of personal preference with furries, so ignore this if you really like it that way, but it seems like having legs like that would make walking really uncomfortable and awkward.
-The obvious female anatomy is kind of conflicting with the symbol on the left arm, but I'll assume it's a female character. That said, women generally have a slightly different skeletal structure than men. This character's shoulders should probably be at least a little narrower, and learning the differences in hip structure might fix the problem you have there too?
-Poses are important, even for just drawing your character standing around! Body language can tell as much about your character as their expression or their physical characteristics. How would their personality affect the way they pose for a picture like this? A confident person might have a straight, symmetrical, upright pose. An awkward, shy person might have a slumped, lopsided pose that shows they aren't really comfortable with posing for a picture. The confident one might have their hands on their hips, or at their sides, and the shy one might have them crossed, or behind their back. Even hands can show a lot of personality. There is so much variation you can put into a pose, and you're neglecting a great opportunity to communicate more about your character in less space if you don't pay attention to it.
-Don't just use horizontal lines and cross-hatching for shading. Adding some sort of light source and shading your character accordingly goes a really long way toward making your character look more realistic. Also, texture tends to follow and distort around the shape it's on. Just using horizontal lines makes your drawing look like... well, a drawing. And that's boring.
-Line variation. Outlines, lines on "bulges" of round objects, and lines on the shadow side of an object are thicker, and lines on the light sides of objects, detail lines, and concave lines tend to be thinner. It looks like you've been doing this a little already, but linework is tough, and people will notice mistakes far easier than they'll notice the parts you got right.
-After you've gone over your sketch in pen, go ahead and run an eraser over the entire thing. I can see a few faint traces of a sketch. Remember that a sketch is only temporary, and drawing lightly keeps it from etching into your paper. Also, when you erase, friction will help more than pressure.

This is probably a lot to read and you might know some of it already, but that's my critique. You're doing well so far, just keep at it and keep improving.

No.1324 - Link Reply Report 1324
>Eyes are basically two skin flaps wrapped around a ball

That is actually incorrect, or at least misleading. Eyes are sunken into the head, and this feature is usually exaggerated in anthropomorphized animals. (At least more than actual animals appear, but these are cartoons) In other words, don't think of them as stickers on a ball; be aware of the eye socket as a recess.

No.1326 - Link Reply Report 1326


My bad, worded that wrong.