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Art critique and advice; beginner artists are welcome to post here; includes an oekaki. (NO FLAMES)

Artists, read before posting!

Before you post your art to ask for critique, please read these tutorials. They explain the basic principles of drawing and figure drawing. Most posts where these basics are missing will never get a response, as people are quite frankly sick and bored of explaining over and over that you would have to pretty much learn how to draw first, before you could improve.

Courtesy of Arne Niklas Jansson: Basic and comprehensive drawing and painting tutorial
Courtesy of Bakaneko: Figure Drawing Basics, Further Anatomy, Hands

These were brought to my attention by Aeresque#Artist. Courtesy of Scribd: Drawing the Human head, Drawing Dynamic Hands, Dynamic Figure Drawing
And for those of you who want it a bit easier, we also have the whole thing as one neat rar with all three books in pdf form.

NEW! These were brought to my attention by MajorTom in #fchan. Courtesy of Andrew Loomis: Creative Illustration, Drawing the Head and Hands, Eye Of The Painter, Figure drawing for all it's worth, Fun with a Pencil, Successful Drawing, Drawing Dynamic Hands.

If you think you know a good basic tutorial that would fit in here, feel free to contact me under Xenofur in IRC and I will add the link.

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[-] [+] No.206
Hello /crit/ ! 
File: sobaka-1.png -(63724 B, 448x640)
63724 No.206 206

Well, first of all, excuse me if my english makes you shiver, it's not my native language. Thank you. :)

Picture I uploaded is my last sketch, and while I drew it I confronted two problems: as you see, legs are kinda off. I tried different postures, but I still don't get the right position for the person standing against light wind. Google answered nothing.

The second thing is drapery (or what is the term for foldings on the cloth?): I observed various kind of cloth, even folded my own coat different ways, but I still can't grasp the concept. So, are there any good tutorials and excercises about it?

Plus, if there's something I missed, I will be pleased to receive further critique. Thank you. :)

No.238 - Link Reply Report 238

Ha-ha, you should draw porn or penises to get criticized here fast. ;)

On a serious note, you could use a good anatomy book to learn how legs and pelvis interact in different positions. Plus, I see you've hidden her fingers in the mittens. I suppose it's cold in the picture, but don't avoid drawing fingers, this way you'll learn it faster.

Regarding cloth, the only way is to watch how it folds in real life. Just go outside and watch it on people noticing how light is arranged, i's not so easy, but its worth it.

Everything else seems to be okay, except minor errors: her head looks too wide, or too low, I dunno, her hair doesn't look good enough. And there's no shading on the picture. :(

Hope, it helps.

No.239 - Link Reply Report 239
>Ha-ha, you should draw porn or penises to get criticized here fast. ;)

Haha! No.

We'd only tell him/her off faster.

And I just haven't bothered here much recently.

No.293 - Link Reply Report 293

Still looking for help on this?

No.762 - Link Reply Report 762


Excuse me for the pause, I'd really like your help, please, even this one is kinda old already.

No.763 - Link Reply Report 763
