You began your journey as a human, but gave that up as you explored the dangers of this realm. You are a 5 foot 7 inch tall bee-morph, with a lithe body covered in highly visible muscles. You are currently wearing your full platemail and using your beautiful sword as a weapon. Your face is human in shape and structure, with smooth, rough gray skin. It has a gorgeous profile with full lips, a button nose, and noticeable eyelashes. The flowing locks of shiny black hair on your head is parted by a pair of cute pointed ears, bigger than your old human ones. A pair of four inch horns grow from the sides of your head, sweeping backwards and adding to your imposing visage.
You have a humanoid shape with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. A pair of tiny-yet-beautiful bee-wings sprout from your back, too small to allow you to fly. You have boyish hips that match your trim, lithe body, and your incredibly tight, perky rump molds closely against your form. A large insectile bee-abdomen dangles from just above your backside, bobbing with its own weight as you shift. It is covered in hard chitin with black and yellow stripes, and tipped with a dagger-like stinger. Venom drips from your poisoned stinger regularly. Your legs are covered in a shimmering insectile carapace up to mid-thigh, looking more like a pair of 'fuck-me-boots' than exoskeleton. A bit of downy yellow and black fur fuzzes your upper thighs, just like a bee.
You have two pillowy jugs, each supporting one 2.4-inch pierced nipple. You could easily fill a big EE-cup bra.
Where a penis would normally be located, you have instead grown two enormous, mixed cocks!-One of your monstrously thick, nub-covered demon-dicks is 23 inches long and four inches thick. The crown is ringed with a circle of rubbery protrusions that grow larger as you get more aroused. The entire thing is shiny and covered with tiny, sensitive nodules that leave no doubt about its demonic origins.-Your next bloated, pointed shaft is 17 inches long and three inches in diameter. It is shiny, pointed, and covered in veins, just like a large dog's cock. A large bulge of flesh nestles just above the bottom of your dog-shaped dong, to ensure it stays where it belongs during mating. The knot is 6.6 inches thick when at full size.
You have a cunt, with a 3.5-inch clit. Moisture gleams in your loose slick pussy, its lips slightly parted.
You have one ass, placed between your incredibly tight, perky backside-cheeks where it belongs.
Your ears are pierced with green gem-stone ear-studs.Your pierced nipples are pierced with seamless black nipple-studs.Looking positively perverse, a steel jacob's ladder adorns your monstrously thick, unholy cock.