Oh shi--alright ha. Fair enough! Man, I will -always- contend that Anon-posting is just too much trouble for me. I knew there was a reason why I didn't comment on chans that often.
But no problem on talking! I'll talk all day about shit but I'm not sure who all would listen, haha.
Unrelated, but I should just do a big dump of all my herm/trans art or whatever. I got a decent amount of it chillun on the harddrive. Just, yannoy lazy. And I'm not sure what would be duplicates already posted on here and the likes--though to be fair I downloaded them pretty much everywhere else BUT here.
But yadda yadda. Girls with dicks. Guys with tits. Herms shemales transgirls or whateva. Since OP don't mind me sharing. Used to I thought it was weird that I was attracted to transtypes and wanted to transition, but then I figured... shit, I'm attracted to cis guys and gals too. I'm just a dontgiveafucksexual who should been born a woman. So hey, while I'm born in the wrong body and taking medicine to get better--why not use the built-on strap-on I was born with? Unless science like, jumps the shark and goes full nelson and allows me to have a baby maker that can put out said babies, I'm content to keep what parts I have. I mean hell, if a cock doesn't define me as a man, why would it un-define me as a woman? That's my logic.
I guess I should just consider myself lucky I'm not body-dysphoric to the point where the thought of my penis doesn't make me depressed and sexually-cold. Just knowing I'll be able to pass as woman one day in the future makes me a whole lot happier. Also, more sexual, since before I had this constant shame/guilt complex about my gender and sex. So while some transgirls enjoy the libido-numbing effects of estro, which I admit I can feel, my mental libido has shot through the roof and I'm loving sex better than ever. Translife is weird, but also fantastic.
Not sure why I feel like sharing all this, to be honest. Probably cause my family thinks I'm crazy and mentally ill, which means I don't ever get to talk about it. Which is hard to deal with. I guess that's the only downside of all this. I know this is the right choice for me, but they think I need all kinds of different help. My only reaction is, "Well, you all are going to chose your involvement in my life to come." But as I'm currently depending on them (hopefully not for long) for a place to stay, it's disheartening to hear them talk at night about how I need "severe psychiatric help".
I'm just like, mutha-fuckas. Can y'all honestly not see that this -is- my psychiatric help? I was all happy and peppy the other day and I was asked if I was drunk or stoned. It's like, shit, I've got my ninety-day tag coming up in a week. I'm just happy cause things are finally going may way. Damn.
Alright, so I'm gonna shut the fuck up now and let ya get back to the porn. Someone mentioned herm/transtypes in real life, so here's one in-progress giving you a slight slice of life. And I'm not going to lie--it gets lonely out here in bodunk nowhere without anyone to talk to about this stuff. I'm a simple country girl. And so many of the other transgirls seem so self-centered and....cold, almost. No one seems to want to talk. Like, they don't want to hear my experience unless it's EXACTLY like theirs, or something weird. Or they're so far along in their transition they're just done talking about it in all aspects. So I guess I latch onto the few chances I do get to talk about it.
But ah---I'm gonna quit being a whiny bitch now. Here, have another oldie. I don't mean to be a fucking drag or anything. It is what it is, yanno?