517Report |
at 22 May 2006: 15:51
>>512 Well, the pedophile comparison seems to make sense to a lot of people. Have you actually tried looking at it that way to see if we have a point that we may just not be articulating up to your standards? I try looking at it from the "animals like it" side, but you can do things to an animal that they like that's bad for them, or at least degrading, so I don't think that's enough for consent. As for "We do worse to animals". Well, yeah... are you saying it's okay to do all that stuff then? Just because there's other wrongs out there that are worse, doesn't make something right. The last thing that the zoophiles refer to is personal experience, which I don't share. That's basically like saying "Well, if you look at it MY way, it all makes sense". Well, yeah, but I'm me. If you looked at it my way, it's obviously wrong. We kinda need to discount our personal experiences to meet any sort of consensus, and see if there's enough left over to come up with anything. If those against are right, zoos are sexual predators, and their personal experiences are tainted as such. If those for are right, then those against are closed minded and judgemental, so anything we say is tainted as such. In other words, if I refer to personal experience, you're going to assume It's from a tainted perspective, thus false, and I do the same to you.
As far as I can tell, right now, it's all very confused at best. There's facts, yes, but everyone's interpretting them differently, and there's nothing that PROVES that either side is right... which means, again, that those against are not having sex with animals, so either way they're doing nothing wrong, and zoos are going ahead anyway, which means they may well be doing something terrible, but refuse to consider that.