574Report |
at 25 May 2006: 19:17
I don't care about the points she makes about bestiality one way or another. I just truly despise the woman.
>>580 She also said she wanted to explore sex with a minor/her own daughter. She just twists the definition so that she's in the clear. In my mind, any adult engaging children in sexual activity is a pedophile. She isn't a pedophile, cause she hasn't done it yet. I hope she doesn't get the opportunity.
Besides, I don't think the zoophiles in this thread would appreciate having someone who was pro child molesting coming in on their side, even through association. It gives too much ammo to the anti-zoos.
>>576 Yeah, I'm closed minded... that's it. You can't possibly be the one who's wrong, so it must be everyone else. Everyone who thinks I'm right is a kneejerk culturally brainwashed drone, and everyone who think's your right is being reasonable and objective. No.