

Morality of bestiality (Was: End bestiality on Fchan!)

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Juberu#3LrT5NRVks at 25 May 2006: 22:28

They're actually talking about Manawolf herself, not using it to discredit her essay. So, no, not ad Hom.


I fully agree that protecting children from negative sexual experiences/influences is a good and necessary thing.  I don't agree that all sexual experiences are _automatically_ negative for all children, or even most children.  I don't agree that children are essentially asexual automatons until some magical age is reached, and I believe that treating them as such is unfair, and often damaging.

Actually, I believe that the philosophy behind the age of consent is that a reasonable portion, if not all, children have reached maturity by said age. There may be some who are mature earlier, but it's *assumed* that most children can handle sex by then.

I'm speaking out of the top of my head. Anyone with sources, feel free to correct me.
Our culture finds it comforting to believe all sexual behavior among children is the result of 'evil', outside influences, and as such, that all incidences of child sexual behavior is immoral and 'wrong'.

Well, sexual maturity is considered one of the criteria for being an adult. So if a kid has (consentual)sex, they're not a kid. Something of a circular argument.

There are plenty of cases, however, where an adult had sex with someone under the AOC, did time, then went back and married them upon being released from jail.
In short, our culture takes what is natural, innocent behavior for sub-adult humans and deemed it as evil as any adult who's ever raped a child is.  It's normalized extremist behavior - Cultural hysteria at it's finest.

Point. Though I do think the cultural meanings and associations of sexual maturity are far oversimplified by both sides.

(And sorry about any spelling errors, I tend to be a sloppy typer when I'm thinking, and my spellcheck isn't installed yet...)

Also, open a new tab, and type "dict wordYouWantToCheck" in the address bar, in FireFox.

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