599Report |
DragonFlame at 27 May 2006: 10:52
>>605 Hi Svansfall.
-Quote- Another point that no one who's against zoophilia has replied to is the question I asked, how you can justify that you do anything at all together with animals, if you cannot give animals sexual stimulation, when the animals clearly show they enjoy it and come back for more. -Quote-
I have a question for you and you may have answered it before but I will ask it anyway, when you sexualy stimulate your animals have they been learnt to use you as a sexual relief or did it just naturaly happen.
-Quote- I am starting to think that none of those against zoophilia have a good reason for why we can use dogs for dogsledding (when they seemingly want to), but we cannot bring them to orgasm (when they seemingly want to). -Quote- It true that as Human's we force animals to do things that they would not want to do but we also know that sometimes things have to be done even if you dont want to do it. Animals serve a purpose for farmers and in return they are hopefuly treated well and looked after for their service. This should not be accociated with sex, even with human to human sex it is considered wrong to have sex for profit.
I really think the argument you should be making instead of this one is if having sex with an anmial is hurting it or not. Can the animal have Physical or mental damage from the encounter. Can it get some type of virus from the human.
Dont make that accociation of work and sex because they are two different things.