610Report |
Juberu#3LrT5NRVks at 27 May 2006: 18:10
>>608 You fail at pseudintellectualism, pretention, the universe, and everything.
It's wrong because giving them sexual pleasure is "demeaning" and anything that is "demeaning" is harmful. You know, they used to say the same thing about masterbating yourself. Some how it was "demeaning". You speak in the past tense; it's still not accepted as "right" by all, and there are plenty of good arguments on both sides.
Of course, things like respect, equality and "demeaning" are all abstract concepts that animals are probably not able to understand anyway, making any points about pleasureing them moot. Of course, one could argue that the human carries those human associations of sexual activity into the 'relationship', simply by virtue of being human.
>>623 I think it's wrong that people on your side keep dropping that particular red herring. See >>620 . Also, how do y'all know it brings them pleasure?