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semi-anon-zoo-7 at 2 Jun 2006: 20:57
I have been in this discusion for a signifigant amount of time. I just had been posting as anon previously. Most definatly not all the anons, you may verify this with xenofur if he/she is so inclined. xeno had enlightened myself in how anon grants one more respect in the long run so for the most part I post anon. this nick is here for the length of this discusion then shall go away. therby maintaining the same effect of being relativly anon while keeping my postings clumped together. I do not find the deep inherant need to build an image of what I think or a following, so that also plays in not continuing using the same nick long term. thinking that I havent been interacting in this thread by posting is seemingly a display of your inherant abillity to notice subtlty and details at play? perhaps that is the best display of how one can be oblivious to the obvious. Sodden as in wet. as in dreary grey or damp. to listen well you would be able to recognise my broken grammer in the previous posts. this is perhaps at the seat of your disbelief that animals are capable of consent. (The broken grammer is the result of a head injury at twelve and sadly irreversable) that however did not break my ability to add 2+2 in logical situations. You have indeed failed at showing inherant wrong by not being able to support well and with logic and data what you are proposing. The nice people with the hug me jackets never tried to cure me of zoo, they cured me of thinking zoo was bad. A relationship between an animal and a human is a non human relationship..... get it? two humans in a relationship is a human relationship. now please attack the logic behind what ive posted instead of attempting to personally attack either my grammer or supposed illness/wellness (see cure commentary) factor show me how you pay attention to subtilties and deatils. now, see, that was bad on my part I just jumped all over what is obviously a small mistake on your part.
*peace out people* "the road less traveled often opens ones eyes to the smell of roses"