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Svansfall at 23 Jun 2006: 17:00
>>898 Hello GrapeTang,
I did not miss your point. I know what you mean, but I simply disagree with you. Comparing similar issues, all dealing with how we treat animals, is a highly relevant part of the discussion. Regardless of wheter A affects B or not - a comparison between A and B can still be useful, in the case that A and B are similar and related issues.
Most kinds of comparisons in general conversation or discussion are comparisons between similar, comparable things, and most often, the things being compared does not affect each other in any way.
Example: Two friends are discussing their cars. One of them thinks the acceleration of his car is really slow, he discusses it with his friend and after making comparisons it turns out the acceleration of his friend's car was even slower.
Now, the acceleration of his car is not affected by the acceleration of the other person's car. His car's acceleration is not fast, just because his friend's car's acceleration is slower. Still, the comparison made him realize that maybe it wasn't as slow as he thought at first. This means that the comparisons between the cars were useful, despite the fact that one car's acceleration did not affect the other car's acceleration.
Two issues does not have to affect each other in order to be comparable issues.
>>913 Hello OddlyEnough,
Yes, you are correct - I did misunderstand your use of the word respect. It took me quite a while, and a lot of looking up words in my dictionary, but I think I understand what you mean now. You are using a lot of complicated words that does not exist in my vocabulary. I don't mind it, on the contrary I prefer your way of writing, and when I write in my native language I try and write in the same style as you are. But if I would be writing in Swedish here, I would not get my meaning across, so my bad English will have to suffice.
You have an interesting view of morality, and while I can partially agree with it, I do not agree with it on the whole. My view of what is right or wrong is a little more simple than your complex view. I still cannot be 100% certain that I got your view right, but if I did, it means that something that does not harm anyone, and is nothing but beneficial to everyone involved can still be wrong in your view.
I respect your right to have this view, and I cannot see that your view of morality can be harmful to anyone.
Still, in my view: When all parts involved benefit from an action, and no one gets any kind of short-term or long-term harm, I do believe it is not bad.
Thanks for your interesting input, OddlyEnough.