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Svansfall at 27 Jun 2006: 06:02
>>963 Hi someone without a name,
I have replied to this already. The genitals is a very sensitive area of the body. To the individuals who enjoy being stimulated there, the stimulation there is giving them a certain kind of pleasure that they enjoy more than the stimulation elsewhere.
This is why mares and cows when feeling sexual tension will try to rub their genitals against anything suitable they can find, to relieve their sexual tension. Usually, they cannot stimulate themselves enough in that way, which makes them frustrated and restless. If I stimulate an animal in heat, who enjoys it, they will be noticably relaxed and calm afterwards, and they are no longer stressed and frustrated.
If they know that I can give them release in this way, they will come up to me, and ask me for it.
I have also asked the question: Why is it wrong for me to give pleasure to someone, when everyone involved enjoys it, and when none of us are coming to harm? If someone would answer this question, I could reply to it.
If they are saying that I am wrong despite the pleasure, then they should also state why I am wrong despite the pleasure.
OddlyEnough had a moral reason for why something could be wrong despite the pleasure, and I think he had an interesting view of what is moral and not, even though I don't subscribe to his view.
Some people have said in this discussion that "sex with animals is rape", period. Regardless of if the animal feels pleasure or not, regardless of wheter the animal is willing or not.
If someone is saying that sex with animals is always bad, they are automatically implying that it is wrong to make an animal feel good. That is why I am asking the question, and I am still awaiting an answer.