983Report |
Juberu#3LrT5NRVks at 28 Jun 2006: 10:51
>>981 That's not sex. Cows can have their nipples squeezed without sexual pleasure. Also, we can actually use said emissions regardless of any pleasure we get from drinking them.
And we're not saying sex itself is bad, just sex with animals.
What were you saying about distorting people's arguments into weaker forms?
I actually find the sickest people in the world to be those such as yourselves who quickly assume things, such as that the cows have no accses tp others of their own species, If they do have access to others of their own species, why would Svansfall be masterbating them, if he cares so much about their wellbeing? Wouldn't actual *sex* be better?
Also, are you *listening* to yourself?