

Why are questions being asked HERE...

at 28 Jun 2006: 20:35

...for advice on both RL and hypothetical situations, even if they're not furry in nature? Is this typical content for a chan-style imageboard discussion forum, or is it because people here are into furry mainly for its sexuality? I'd like to think that's a misperception. Wouldn't these topics be better suited for a sexual advice Q&A forum rather than a furry art imageboard?

at 28 Jun 2006: 20:37

...for advice on both RL and Hypothetical SEXUAL situations, I mean (fixed).

at 28 Jun 2006: 23:35

I've pondered this myself many times.

It's pretty much the caliber of asking the same question on /b/.

at 28 Jun 2006: 23:41

eh, i assume its just because we're all like-minded people. its only natural to want to communicate with others like yourself.

Aikon at 29 Jun 2006: 00:08

As long as it's cool with the mods, I don't really see a problem with people asking RL questions.  Afterall the fandom is a community, so it's called.

at 29 Jun 2006: 00:48

heres some advice for you guys though... furries probably arent the best people to ask about important real life things. i cant think of any examples because its almost 2am and im fucking tired, but from what people here have admited themselves, a lot of the people here dont have what you would call "life experience" when it comes to a lot of things.

although im willing to bet if you have a complicated computer question these guys are some of the best people to turn to.

straydog#3pCIhha3Cw at 29 Jun 2006: 03:41

fchan is, for the most part, a porn board focusing around adult imagery. It makes sense that the discussions would pertain to adult-related situations, ect.

On a board that hosted mostly clean content, it would be out of place. But this is a porn/adult board, so it makes sense.

at 29 Jun 2006: 13:18

>>7 But the other chan boards have tons of adult imagery and no one there asks for advice on how to deep throat.

at 29 Jun 2006: 15:09


But I don't see how people make the correlation to drawn porn and real life sexual experience.

The people that ask the questions here just have no one else to ask.

at 29 Jun 2006: 22:12

>>8 So your complaint is that Fchan isn't like other boards? That's probably why everyone else is having a good time on Fchan...

straydog#3pCIhha3Cw at 30 Jun 2006: 00:00


Other furry chan boards or just other chan boards in general? Keeping in mind that furries tend to wear their emotions on their sleeves and are, generally, very open about their sexuality, ect. Given the freedom to ask such questions, they will because they assume that the majority of other furries who frequent the board, will have real life experience to share. This assumption, of course, is probably erroneously based off of the fact that a lot of people who frequent fchan (the male board anyway) have a tendency to share TMI while posting porn. Such comments as "I've done that" or "That's fun!" make a person believe the majority of the users have done the things in the porn others are viewing. So, naturally, they turn to them for advice.


If someone draws a very good image of a motorcycle, one that is extremely detailed, people would assume that person has knowledge in motorcycle mechanics or assembly. In order to draw it so well, they must have at least studied it and in studying it, learned things someone else (your average Joe) would not know.

I think that holds true in this case. People see well drawn (for the most part) porn and think the artists must have drawn based on real life experience or extensive porn watching---either way, it was done by someone with more experience in the subject than the one who makes the connection.

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