

Several changes and clarifications in policy

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dMilesFox at 9 Mar 2008: 22:45

I don't get it!!

This is art, drawings, nothing real.

You are talking about a law or a future law, com'on!

Be realisted, if you want to tell us you want to block/not allowe this kind of artworks because of this law, well, you need to take down a lots of art on this site, YOU ARE ALLOWING ART from COPYRIGHT stuff, from different companies such like Disney,WB and many more.

If you don't like and don't want this kind of material just say it! Don't say its because of a suppose law.

Where is your "worry", the needs to be protected, about copyright laws. dude, if you are taking down current and future artworks under this subject you most take down all the rest of art that is copyrighted. One to respect a law, well, Respect all of them and not just the ones u consider fine with u.

Just post a link to a gov website or at least a copy of the text where that law is, it can be scan or a photo, I don't care.

I'm not a fchan lover or anything, but I most say this is stu##id. Sorry for my words, but its the true.

I think you are making more enemies than anything else.

I know there are other websites that maybe will allow other to post this kind of artworks, but we are not talking about those site.

Please consider this. If you are taking down this kind of art, at least show us the approved law.  OR if you don't want this kind of art on this server just say it.

I know your hosting company, and they don't have any kind of prob with the kind of content you have here, babyfur/cub or not.

This will create bad publicity to you. Lots of it.

I know there are guys does not like this kind of art. ok, they are free to think what ever they want. same happens to me, I do't like mutilations and many other stuff u have here, on this site, but Im not letting that to interfere.

well, I'm going out for a bite.

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