190Report |
at 11 Mar 2008: 00:33
But the answer we want is, if images of "Underaged Characters" are illegal, then WHY do Tails, Klonoa etc get exhemption from the rules? They could be seen as being just as 'obscene' as any image in AltHard. It's a representation of an animal character which "VISUALLY APEARS to be childlike." And the COURTS aren't gunna buy the excuse that "Oh, that's just how Sonicverse art is. They all look like that." If this law really is to protect Fchan from lawsuits, they wouldn't allow -ANY- exceptions, no matter how popular the character may be.
And I repeat, how is fapping to a pic of an 8yo fox with two tails, different from fapping to a picture of a cub -NOT- related to a show or game? Is it only acceptable because Tails is a staple of the fandom and because craploads of furs would throw a fit if all Tails pics were removed???