

Several changes and clarifications in policy

Pages:1 41 81 121 161 201 241 281 321
at 11 Mar 2008: 01:53

The most important thing to consider here, Fchan, is that in the Supream Court decsion Ashcroft V. Free Speech Coalition, laws against virtual (as in, not real) CP (which includes cub art) were overturned by the federal supream court. No state can pass a law superseeding the federal supream court's decision. No warrent can be signed for the arrest of someone on charges of being in posession of or producing virtual CP. No case can be made for the incarseration or seizure of property for such a person, either. It would be utterly illegal and it makes NO difference what state you're in because: it was a federal decision. I have no special affinity for cub art myself, but please do more research before you change policy next time.

If you're eager to protect CANADIAN citizens by banning cub art, do it for that reason and get your facts straight about US law please. Talk to a lawyer or something before you exclude something on the grounds that it may be illegal.

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