

The Great Livejournal Content Strike of 2008

lost souls at 21 Mar 2008: 23:17

Who else is participating? If so, why?

at 22 Mar 2008: 01:57

Ummm, what? 

3Report (sage)
at 22 Mar 2008: 03:56

One, you're kind of late. It was friday. Two, it's utterly pointless. The people who run LJ really won't give a damn if a bunch of people *gasp* don't post to their LJ for a whole 24 hours!

at 22 Mar 2008: 08:30

This is the most retarded idea ever.

at 22 Mar 2008: 09:29

Am I hearing it right; the LJ users want to protest by shutting up for 2 seconds and not spouting opinions and wasting bandwidth?

I dunno about you but if I was the admin I'd act like a bunghole more often; reduces server costs and finally gets people to stop talking shit for 2 seconds xD

at 22 Mar 2008: 10:02

Snarkiness aside, protesting LJ by not posting IS rather pointless.  The only way to make a protest that would make anyone sit up and notice is by a large majority of LJ users cancelling their accounts.  That would hurt the owners in the pocketbook, which is the only way that would really notice anything anyway.

at 22 Mar 2008: 12:16

Want to show them you really dislike their decision? Cancel your account. You have 30 days to change your mind but it would show them how serious everyone is. Of course most of you couldn't deal with not using the service for 30 days and they KNOW this, hence nothing will happen.

Learn how a movement/boycott/strike really works faggots.

Sen at 22 Mar 2008: 18:31

heh, I posted like six times just to counteract this stupid protest. :P

9Report (sage)
at 22 Mar 2008: 19:39


By doing so, you utterly crushed the protest by outnumbering the protesters at least three to one.

10Report (sage)
LLz at 22 Mar 2008: 23:11

Does it count if I didn't post anything, simply because my life is boring (other than posting at fchan... which I didn't on that day anyhow)?

at 22 Mar 2008: 23:37

I win because I've never used LJ to begin with.

Some Random Cheetah at 23 Mar 2008: 08:10

>>11 i win more because i don't even know what that is :D
izzit like aids or something?

at 23 Mar 2008: 09:43

>>12 It's basiclly a huge circle jerk. Enough said.

lost souls at 23 Mar 2008: 10:11


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