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[-] [+] No.121390
Hatoful Boyfriend? 
File: tumblr_m6kmj213XG1qcfkb7o1_500.png -(239109 B, 500x500)
239109 239109 No.121390 121390 1
Source: Plus5pencil

For those of you who don't know, this is a real game. I would link except for the link functionality is disabled right now.

From the wiki:

What is Hatoful Boyfriend?
It is a pigeon dating simulator set in a dystopian future. The games combine the complexity of interspecies interactions with high school hijinks and romance galore. The playable character has the opportunity to woo no less than seven different birds: mysterious doctor Shuu, childhood friend Ryouta, eccentric track-star Okosan, quiet bookworm Nageki, snooty rich Sakuya, romantic upperclassman Yuuya, and narcoleptic teacher Kazuaki. In the full game, you can also enjoy a route with tough scooter-girl Azami, and the crazy, artistic love of Anghel. The richness and depth of these characters and their interactions are one of the main draws of the game.

No.121391 - Link Reply Report 121391 2

I seem to recall hearing the game will often have another Pigeon murder your chosen boyfriend cook him and force you to eat him. then later he kills you.

No.121448 - Link Reply Report 121448 2

Still nothing doing on these cute little birdies?