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[-] [+] No.134276
Old Unknown Cartoon Flash 
File: vlcsnap-2009-12-03-19h48m07s12.png -(217571 B, 480x360)
217571 217571 No.134276 134276 1

Hi, was wondering if anyone knows about this cartoon, I only have a screenshot and a short clip, hope you can recognize this!

File: rats.gif -(6939813 B, 598x448)
6939813 6939813 No.134277 - Link Reply Report 134277 2

(The clip)

File: rats.gif -(6939813 B, 598x448)
6939813 6939813 No.134278 - Link Reply Report 134278 2

(The clip)

No.134552 - Link Reply Report 134552 2

Hm. Google doesn't know it and links to an old u18chan thread that is gone now. I asked there too, just to be sure, but I don't expect an answer there.

No.134560 - Link Reply Report 134560 2


I have my doubts that the first image relates to the gif. the way the single rat is drawn is totally different from the others.

Ive not watched Fritz the Cat. if its not related to that movie, then the best guess i would say is this cartoon is of japanese or eastern european origin. The way some of those mice are draw uses a few details you would see in 80s japanese animation done for other countries where they did not use their original anime style but copied the western look. As for a European origin, ive seen a number of eastern bloc croatian, hungarian, and romanian cartoons from back in the day and they sometimes use styles in this manner. Could even be German? not sure.

The only other idea as to what it could be would be a tiny incidental animated clip added to some kind of early MTV shock show like wundershowzen or some other parody of kids shows.

No.134561 - Link Reply Report 134561 2


I'm sure it's Once Upon a Girl

No.134562 - Link Reply Report 134562 2


You mean similar to Shoe & Shoelace, or Worker & Parasite? I love both of those!

File: Mouse_Girl_Sex.swf -(5373810 B, 0x0)
No.134571 - Link Reply Report 134571 2

Here's the short that has the mouse girl from the 1st pic. I added the swf to u18chan so you might have missed it if the thread is gone.