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[-] [+] No.135962
Cartoon Fetish Screenshots 
File: snow-white-disneyscreencaps.com-6499.jpg -(263829 B, 1440x1080)
263829 263829 No.135962 135962 1

Share a screenshot of what gave you your fetish. Pic related.

For me it's always been a sneezing and inflation thing. How about you? The thought of Sneezy building a huge sneeze and shooting his buddy up.

File: 2.png -(843996 B, 718x815)
843996 843996 No.135963 - Link Reply Report 135963 2

Fall in liquid, it gets my interest

File: kingkoopa.png -(1012372 B, 867x650)
1012372 1012372 No.135987 - Link Reply Report 135987 2

This scene led me to my foot fetish, and love for anthro characters
While I still love the King Koopa iteration of Bowser, canon Bowser is definitely a favorite of mine, especially when it comes to foot fetish stuff.

File: vlcsnap-2015-08-14-03h36m22s93.png -(854624 B, 1280x720)
854624 854624 No.136168 - Link Reply Report 136168 2

Cartoons shouldn't be static. Throw a pie. Drop a heroine into mud. Heck, have her throw mud at a heroine who's been dropped into a pie, it's a cartoon. The only limit is what you can get away with. Why the heroine, the girl? She just looks better. There's always time for a shower scene.