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[-] [+] No.136824
Botana Company Mascots 
File: AritosMascot.png -(464984 B, 899x620)
464984 464984 No.136824 136824 1
Source: Botana Co

The Aritos mascot looks very good. Especially on the salt and lime package, because he's not wearing any pants or shorts as he is on the chili and lime package.
Rule 34 here, people. Let's see some porn of him and the others. Particularly male/male or solo.

File: DonitasMascot1.jpg -(416035 B, 1953x2402)
416035 416035 No.136825 - Link Reply Report 136825 2
Source: Botana Co

Then there is this male rabbit mascot.

File: DonitasMascot2.jpg -(183474 B, 852x640)
183474 183474 No.136826 - Link Reply Report 136826 2

Here's the other image I found of him.